Thursday, 15 March 2012

The Project - Lake Contemporary

Outline Of The Project

For my project I have decided to write a short novel (novella) about a family who enter a large populated city and decide to visit a lake, the lake is named "The Lake Contemporary. I would consider it as a horror, but it is really a thriller. Writing it is a long process and there have been many updates. The novella itself is pretty long. I am hoping to also design a front cover and logo (This will hopefully be finished by the end of March 2012) I started this project in January 2011.

My inspiration for this novella was collaborated when listening to slow songs involving dark gothic piano, Bands like "Evanescence" where specifically inspirational. After reading several Stephen King stories I knew what good character names where and what settings really enthused the horror experience. The novel "Pet Semetery" was really inspirational when trying to come up with new ideas.

Evanescence - Fallen (Their Debut Album)
Stephen King - Pet Semetery (1983 Horror Novel) 


(Evanescences debut album was inspiring as it contained dark gothic sounds and piano, this was the theme of my story, I had read a lot of horror and had enjoyed horror movies and so this music joined well with the horror theme and I started to write my novel).

When in the process of my story there where many obstacles such as; loosing work, Having brain blocks and being busy with other work and not remembering what I would have liked to have added. But all in all the story is going pretty well and there are very few chapters left.

The Chapters so far:

The Normans Arrival
The Lake Contemporary 
The Vivid Nightmare 
The Escape 
The Tale 
The Vivid Nightmare II
The Grand Tour 

The Chapters I will add:

The Cobra 
The Vivid Nightmare III
The Plunge 

These chapters will take a long time to add but once they are added the novella should be finished. After handing this in for the project I will begin to create a full length version. I believe that "The Lake Contemporary" could be much longer than it currently is. 

I would also like to create a front cover and art for the novella, Here is the cover art and logo so far: 


l    a   k  e   c  o  n  t   e  m  p  o  a  r  y 

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